Our first home game of the season!! 

Hosting South Perth. And a wet one it was.

Day started at 7:30am with plenty of helpers to greet us ready to set up.

 I would definitely say it was one of our best setup days in years.. many hands make light work! 

Thank you to all! 

Day ended by 3:30pm when the 16s final siren went after a nail-biting finish had the crowd hanging back to see some exciting footy. 

Some really good footy played by all our teams , it was so great to see.. Hasn't tags really straightened up our 6s and 7s.. this will be a massive thing for these kids in years to come. 

Competition grades scores: - GLT 34 - 4... Loss. - U13s Girls , SP forfeit ( scratchie) - U13s Boys 32 - 16... Loss. - U14s Boys 44 - 18... Win!! ( 5 try haul for Majah Peachey!!!! ) - U15s Boys 34 - 8... Win!! - U16s Boys 22-20... Win!! 

MILESTONES - Taitoa Te Rauna - 100 games - Rihare Te Rauna - 100 games - Arjay-troy Sharrock - 100 games - Isaiah Lee - 50 games - Kymani Hurihanganui - 50 games - Blake Neville - 50 games Congratulations on your achievements!!